Essential Oils - What's The Difference?

As I am getting ready for my first Essential Oils 101 session this week, I have been doing my homework to make sure I know how to explain the biggest question - What's the difference?

When I first experienced essential oils it was as an aromatherapy method.  Diffuse uplifting fragrances, you get an uplift of mood.  And boy, do I need that when things get super stressful and two weeks on a beach (or at Disney) is not an option! 

But then I heard that you could put a couple drops of oils in your water.  If you could squeeze lemon in your water and that's good for you, why not the essential oil for lemon?  So I bought what seemed like a good healthy option oil.  It wasn't labeled "aromatherapy only," and it was inexpensive, and it was in a health food store.  So it had to be safe, right?  Not exactly.  Since I had no clue back then what I was doing I would put some drops of oil into a big (plastic) pitcher of water and keep it in the fridge. After a week, my stomach was a wreck, my teeth were sensitive, my pitcher cracked, and it really didn't taste that great.  I did a little research and found the wrong kind of oil can do some damage if you use it in ways you shouldn't. 

So, what's the difference between oils? 

MOST oils out there are aromatherapy grade oils.  That means there is other stuff in with the oil. So don't ingest it, and watch how you topically apply it - always with a carrier oil.  Aromatherapy is great for helping you set your emotions: happy, peaceful, energetic, flirty, etc.  A rule of thumb I've noticed is if it's a bigger bottle for little money - it's aromatherapy.  Even Walmart is carrying "essential oils" that have on the front of the label "aromatherapy use only."  And for goodness sake, enjoy the Glade air whatever, but do not think it's going to give you any healthy benefits.

Then there is THERAPEUTIC grade oils, which Young Living brand is all that!  Therapeutic grade Young Living oils do the following:

  • Reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes when applied topically to the body
  • Eliminates toxins in your body
  • Regenerate DNA
  • Have the capability of passing the "blood-brain" barrier
  • Work on emotions via the limbic system of your brain when inhaled
  • Release emotional trauma, relax and clear the mind
  • Transport nutrients to starving human cells
  • Act as powerful antioxidants
  • Increase atmospheric oxygen
  • Remove toxins in the air
  • Increase ozone and negative ions in the area when inhibit bacterial growth

The essential oils from Young Living are all therapeutic grade oils that can be diffused, applied topically and sometimes ingested.  They have what they call a Seed to Seal guarantee and from everything I've read, seen, and experienced for myself, I never need to look anywhere else for my essential oils for every need.

NOW, using the Vitality blend of lemon essential oil from Young Living in a GLASS container I am getting all kinds of benefits and it tastes MUCH better. Can't wait to try the other Vitality blends in sauces, cupcakes, and even cocktails! 
