Taking It Everywhere I Go

I find myself getting so excited to learn more and see the effect of essential oils in my life.  I'm only at the beginning stages of all this and love it.  I have some health goals that I am going to experiment with the oils to see how they can help.  But to do that, I will have to grow beyond simply diffusing.

Step 1 - Take it with me!  

When I went to a conference a few weeks ago, I took Thieves with me.  I would put a drop in my palms, rub it in, and breathe deep each night before sleep.  It was a huge difference.  For the first time ever, I didn't leave a conference with a sinus infection issue.

This week - my car!  

I had one of those pretty air freshener holders. I took a piece of a makeup sponge, put a couple drops of each Citrus Fresh and Thieves on it, and now have it in the car.  The beauty is - it's not an overwhelming fragrance.  If I put it in the vent it'll spread, and it's strong if I breathe direct from the holder, but it doesn't overpower me when I get in the car. Perfect for these crazy seasonal transition days where I can't be outside very long before sneezing my head off.

Why these two?  Because Citrus Fresh features FIVE citrus essential oils plus Spearmint.  That's basically a bright happy combo!  Thieves is this amazing legendary blend of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals that as legend goes, four 15th-century thieves created.  (more to come on THAT story later)

A great team-up everywhere I go.

