I'm an "oily" believer!

There's not many health & wellness products that I rave about. Until now.

I've been having some stress-related heath issues this year that has caused my body to not cooperate in a few areas.  And no matter the supplement, type of food, amount of exercise, nothing was working to boost my energy or help me lose weight. I started researching metabolism and hormone issues including adrenal fatigue.  The only real answer seemed to be to give in to my body and take a horrendous amount of naps.

One evening I hosted my EWI group's Connect night learning about essential oils.  Hearing the stories of the Marys (two ladies, same first name) and how using the oils helped some of the same issues that I was having.  It was like music to my ears and I completely jumped in.  Little did I know...

Mary R. came and did a more in-depth session with me and included what's known as a "raindrop" technique.  Think massage style with sprinkling of layers of different oils. O.M.G. Amazing. I'll tell that story another day.

We decided to do a holistic approach: opening my chakras to align my emotional energy with spiritual mindset, intermittent fasting, focus on using the oils to support a better night's REST while my eyes are closed, and diffusing for energy and breathing help.  And after one week, I decided to get my own starter kit! 

Needless to say, I'm a believer!  Once I learned a few things and how to mix & match for my own needs, I get excited about trying out new blends to help in other areas.  And for this post, here is one of many success moments.

I am on night #3 of NO ALLERGY MEDICINE before going to sleep!  I am enjoying my sleep - it feels good - and my sinuses haven't drained at night..  The picture below is my "magic mix" at night.  I have a slightly different mix for breathing support during the day (no lavender, but more citrus).

So if you see me post my excitement about essential oils - it's because I'm having a great experience after being frustrated for so long!  I can't wait to see what all it can help me accomplish.


PS: Why not join me ;-)
